Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hi all! Welcome to my fourth blog. My name is jeremy (obviously?) and i would like to start of my blog with some puzzling questions and answers . If you want, you could even ask some of these questions to your family members etc. Well here they are:
( Answers at the bottom)

-Why would a cleaning person prefer to wash a mirror
than a window of the same size, assuming both are easily

-How can you throw a ball so it will reverse direction and return
to you without the ball bouncing against or touching any
solid object? 

-Your bed and light switch are 15 feet apart. Without using
any object or mechanical device, no pole, no remote
switch, how can you turn off the light and get into bed
before the room is dark? 

-Rusty's Montana cabin is almost buried in snow, and the
temperature is 25 below zero. Rusty's eyes move from the
single match he has in his hand to a candle, an oil lamp and
a fireplace with kindling all ready to be lit. Which does he light

-What common mechanized transports in New York City
(120,000 of them) carry 3 times as many passengers daily
as all the cities subways, trains, buses, cars, and taxis

-Can you arrange these letters into one long word:
d o o r n o n e g w l

-A mirror only needs to be cleaned on one side.

-You throw the ball upwards

-You do it during daytime

-The matchstick

-An elevator

-One long word

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